
I'm fascinated by the design and use of space, and I'm resolute in my belief that one's home should reflect the best of you, that you should feel a little prouder and stand a little taller when you walk through your door, that visitors learn something important about you just by being in your home. You should meet yourself when you walk in your door, and I love being part of making that experience happen. 

I favor contemporary design as the basis of my work, and then weave in older pieces, such as furniture or artwork, to balance out my style. The clean lines and beautiful materials used in contemporary design lend themselves to pretty much any architecture, and I love the play of old and new when I curate older items alongside newer pieces; I have a personal passion for finding old pieces and restoring them to present day use. 

My biggest inspiration is the natural world; nature's color and textures always work and never grow old. Additionally, I'm inspired by the exposure to the art, architecture, and street life I experienced living in New York City, and which I now see in the Twin Cities. Those two urban areas, different as they may be, share a bond in the passion their citizens feel for their respective cities, and that passion creates an energy I find exhilarating.


I took an indirect but happy path into my design career. I grew up in Minnesota and moved to New York City after college, where I earned an MBA from the Columbia Business School and then built a career in management consulting and corporate human resources. Throughout those years, I never lost my interest in design, and, in late 2018, I left my corporate career to study at Parsons School of Design and then open my own design studio. In 2023, I returned to the Twin Cities, and Iā€™m grateful for the dual influences of business and art, as well as life in New York City and the Twin Cities, as major influences on my design business today.